Los Chillers son Bombas de calor Monodireccionales que extraen calor del agua y lo transmiten al ambiente.
Poseemos equipos para enfriar agua residencial (5 a 50 KW) en versiones monofásicas y trifásicas (dependiendo de la potencia) y para enfriar agua industrial en versiones modulares de 35-60-100-130 KW y equipos con compresores de tornillo de capacidades entre 180 y 1730 KW.
These systems use the earth’s relatively constant temperature to provide heating, cooling, and hot water for homes and commercial buildings.
In winter: the unit is in heating mode. The liquid medium collects heat energy from earth/underground water through compressor and heat exchanger, and carries it into the building.
In summer: the unit is in cooling mode; the system reverses itself to cooling model and pulls heat from building through compressor and heat exchanger, and places the heat energy into the ground.